Some Frequently Asked Questions you may have about the club. If your question is not answered here or you require further information please do not hesitate to contact us on Tullamorecameraclub@gmail.com or using our contact form

Why should I join Tullamore Camera Club?

At Tullamore Camera Club we not only focus on photography but the social side of photography. Photography as a hobby is so enjoyable and a great way to meet like minded people, all while picking up a few tips and tricks, and having a laugh along the way. Joining a Camera Club can really open you to new genres of photography and encourage you to try something new. Its also a great way to discover new locations. We regularly do meet ups, locally, in Ireland and even trips abroad.

I Dont own a camera, can i still join the club?

Yes, Tullamore Camera Club is open to anyone over 18 with an interest in photography. You do not need to own a camera to join, some of our members use their phones to take shots, so there is no pressure to own the latest and best of equipment.

How do I join the Club?

TCC meet the last Thursday of the Month (except for July and Dec) at the Offaly Historical Society on Bury Quay, Tullamore. The Meetings start at 8pm. You are free to come along for any meeting, your first meeting is free so you can get a feel for the club and are under no obligation to join on the night. If you are interested in joining you can do so at a meeting, or by emailing Tullamorecameraclub@gmail.com where we can give you the required details. The current membership fee is E60.

Im a complete beginner will i learn how to use my camera in the club?

We welcome members of all abilities. While we dont hold specific camera lessons, we do strive to help our members become familiar with their camera. Our more experienced members are always willing to help newer/beginner members with getting to know settings. We also try and hold workshops to help members with settings, downloads on laptops, renaming pictures , and other workshops can be arranged subject to interest and demand. There is also some excellent video tutorials on youtube some of which can be found in our Useful Photography Links page. You can also search on youtube for your specific camera make and model where you should be able to find videos on familiarising yourself with the menu and settings.

What types of Photography do the club focus on?

As a club we look at all styles of photography. Some members prefer wildlife, others landscape and some portraits. Members have discovered new styles of photography that they didn’t know they would enjoy previously like Macro or Astro photography. We aim to be as broad as possible to suit all of our members. We often have speakers throughout the year who will deliver talks on various genres of photography.

Do I have to enter competitions?

We hold a members monthly competition where we set a different theme each month, While we encourage our members to get out and about using their phone/camera ,there is no obligation to enter competitions. The monthly competition is just for members and is used for a bit of fun and practice and to encourage members to take shots that they may not have taken before. All entries are printed and displayed on the night of the meeting, and voting is anonymous by members. The first and second place winners of the night go forward to an overall final for Tullamore Camera Club Photographer of the Year and the Tullamore Camera Club Shield.

What does a TCC meeting consist of?

The meetings vary month per month. A typical meeting starts at 8pm and finishes around 9:30-10pm

A Typical meeting agenda:

  • Opening remarks by Committee -details of upcoming events/outings, schedule of meeting, AOB
  • Guest Speaker Presentation/Mini work shops/ Group Discussions- Demonstrations
  • Tea/Coffee Break and Voting of the Monthly Competition
  • Members Photo Display
  • Announcement of Winners of Monthly Competition

The committee always welcome suggestions from club members for meeting topics/schedules

Will I learn Photoshop through the Club?

We don’t host any dedicated training on photoshop or editing software. However some of our members are familiar with using software such as Lightroom, and others use free editing software such as Faststone or Snapseed. Members are always willing to help guide and advise where they can. There is also some excellent video tutorials on youtube which can be found in our Useful Photography Links page.