Phoenix Park Outing

Deer at the park

Early birds catch the deer

One early(early!!!) October Morning a group of yawning Tullamore Camera Club Members convened in the Phoenix Park.

Dawn was just breaking when we met at 7am at the Park gates with an agenda to shoot some deer, strictly photo hunting!We had to drive around for a bit to find where the deer where gathered. We were hindered slightly by a race that was setting up in the park, roads were closed off and some areas weren’t fully accessibly. While driving around we spotted our first deer over by the Papal cross. We parked up and got our cameras out and we were ready to shoot!

Tullamore Camera Club Members

Every day is a school day

There was 9 members in total, however we split out into different groups going in different directions. Due to early morning low light the ISO was up as high as it would go but the shots we got were fantastic.

Deer in Phoenix Park

There was some great opportunities for learning as it was the first time for some to shoot in low light using high ISO and to learn how to navigate the camera settings quickly as possible as the deer ran from shot.As everyone has different cameras its great to buddy up with someone who has the same make as you, its amazing what you learn from each other

Phoenix Park Deer

Clash of the Titans

This time of year the deer are in rut and are very vocal. We got to experience their call and managed to grab some great shots of their clashes.

Deer fighting

Autumn gold

The colours around the Phoenix park was fantastic. They leaves were a fabulous golden colour which provided some lovely background colours to our pictures

Deer in Autumn

Anyone for tea?

We stayed for around 2 hours in the park, hiding behind trees hoping the deer wouldn’t spot us and make a run for us. It was a throughly enjoyable morning. After the park we gathered in the Ashling Hotel in the city to warm up with a cup of tea and some well deserved breakfast. It will definitely be a trip which is repeated and it was a fantastic photo opportunity enjoyed by all.

Browse through our album below to see more of the fantastic photos captured that morning at the Phoenix Park:

Phoenix Park Deer

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