Summertime in Paris 2013 (Part 3)

Eiffel Tower

Paris Memories…….

This is the last of our 3 part blog series on our trip to Paris in June 2013. More wonderful stories and Paris memories from our members.

‘Eiffel Tower’ by Cormac Guinan

Yes it was an awful tower. It was built for the Universal Exposition Fair held in Paris in 1889 to celebrate the hundredth year of Bastille Day. The fair idea was to find a new market for a new product – Steel. The tower was just a massive advertisement for the company to raise interest in France & abroad to use iron in buildings works.

Although the structure was supposed to be just to be temporary, a decision was made to keep it and to name it after the architect who designed it – and so the Eiffel Tower has stood tall ever since.

I like this photo with the blue sky as a backdrop to this symbol of Paris. The club members took many photos that weekend with this structure appearing in a lot of them – I’m part of that number. This photo captures the essence of a moment shared with the group. For me, photos of this monument hold the viewer like the eyes of the Mona Lisa – she’s looking at you and you cannot escape but can never catch the look…

‘Sacre-coeur’ by Frank Colton

It was a beautiful sunny Friday in June in one of the most romantic cities in Europe. A group from Tullamore Camera Club walked tirelessly in an effort to drink in every drop of Parisian atmosphere and photograph every detail of the architecture.

In mid afternoon, thanks to Alex and his enthusiasm and local knowledge, we arrived in an open air restaurant on the tenth floor of a department store. WOW – the views were spectacular! As we focused looking for the best shot, I looked to the structure to the north west – of course the Sacre Coeur – a beautiful minor basilica built at the turn of the century on the summit of Montmatre, the highest point in Paris.

Nestled in the shadows of this huge church are the streets and alleyways where you can mingle with locals and artists while soaking up the fabulous Parisian atmosphere.

‘Sweet Music’ by Goretti O’Dea

After a long day photographing the many sights of Paris, the group from Tullamore Camera Club all clambered into a beautiful restaurant tired, hungry and thirsty after the day. The restaurant was in the Quartier Latin on the left bank. As we waited for our orders a group of musicians set up at the big open picture window at the front of the restaurant. Patrons and passersby all enjoyed the beautiful music with feet tapping and hands clapping.

My favourite instument is the Sax – I love the sound and tone of this instrument with its wonderful curves and warm colours. I love this photograph as it can transport me back to that evening in Paris just by looking at it.

This photograph brings back happy memories of a wonderful evening in Paris with Camera Club friends.

‘From the River Bank’ by Joseph Smith

This is my Paris Story. This shot was taken from the river bank (the Seine) and this beautiful building is the Parisian Cathederal of Paris – Our Lady.

As a photographer, shots of the front of the Church are best shot at sunset… however we had a plane to catch and I really would have loved to have had the time to take it at sunset. I have a few photographs from this trip printed and framed but for me this photo is akin to a beautiful yellow jersey for the 100th tour of the tour de France – Magnificent.

This photo was captured on the last day of our trip

‘Light of my life’ by Martina Martin

As I wandered leisurely around the Louvre Palace Courtyard, I cannot help but wonder how such a splendid place cane to having so many lanterns adorn its surrounds. Collapsing on a nearby bench I observed the lanterns and let my mind wonder. Their warm orange glow as they were lit many years ago flickering shadows on those walking beneath – lovers entwined or dangerous liaisons of the rich or those with skulduggery on their minds crawling from beneath the shadows ….. drops of rain awoke me from my reverie only to see a small child playing around the lanterns.

The Louvre Palace, a former royal palace located on the Right Bank of the Seine dated back to the 16th century. This photo reminds me a wonderful weekend in Paris.

‘Vive La France’ by Mary Therese Clancy

After a sleepless night (so excited about the trip to Paris) I headed with my Camera Club companions to photograph the many Parisienne sights. With my new camera at the ready we headed East on the metro. The spectacular sight of a full Philharmonic Orchestra performing at Lazarus train station was an unexpected pleasure. We lunched on Paris Beurre and took in the atmosphere of a Parisienne lunchtime before heading to the top floor of  ‘Le Printemps’ and the breathtaking view of the Paris skyline.

Despite the grey day and rain filled clouds, I took my time to select my shot. I really liked the contrast of ‘Old’ and ‘Modern’ Paris which this photo depicts. I used my new lens (Canon 55-300) which allowed me to get the fabulous detail of the structure of the Trinite d’Estienne d’Orves while capturing the modern outline of ‘La Defense’. The french flag flying high on the building completes the picture.

‘The tilted Eiffel Tower’ by Pauline Stronge

On the last day of our Paris trip my friend and I, having viewed the tower only from a distance, decided to take the metro there. It was a grey day but as we emerged under this vast structure the sight was really exciting.

Unable to capture the height of the tower in my view finder in portrait, I tilted and turned/angled the camera to make sure I included the pinnacle of the tower. Due to the greyness of the day and the limited colour available in the shot I selected monochrome style to place the emphasis on the shape and form of the powerful structure.

The tower has three levels for visitors, with restaurants on the first and second. The third level is the observatory’s upper platform – 276m above ground – the highest accessible to the public in the European Union.

For me the Eiffel Tower is the Icon of Paris and to have been beneath this vast structure with my camera in tow, this print reminds me of that wonderful weekend and it has pride of place in my home.


We hope you enjoyed our 3 part series on our trip to Paris.

Au revoir


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